
The D'kara, an online blog & open discussion area for the personality behind the ever-creative Sircha of Dragonrealms.



Friday, February 11, 2005

Solomon Says... Part 1

"If someone could keep an ongoing log of suggested titles..."

I think he needs himelf an Executive Secretary... maybe he should hire mom.

Combat (focus on weapons, armor, etc)
Performance (Musical type stuff)
Survival (Scouting, Stalking, Hiding, Stealing, etc)
Lore (Mech, Trading, Scholarship, etc)
Artisan (titles that imply crafting of some sort...for existing and future systems)
Guild (Guild Titles)
Ownership (Require a boat, a horse, a house, etc)
Generic (Catch-all for stuff like Fishing related titles, Gambler, and public-service/career titles and everything else that didn't fit neatly)
Magic (Magic type stuff)
RP RP based titles

Below is a listing of all suggested Titles for DragonRealms by other Players, I've added a few new ones myself.

Wizard/ess/should be all known spells in the guild's books (reguardless of guild) + 100th circle Master of magic for wizard.
Master/Mistress of Magic all magic guilds
Damaris Chosen Master of Magic + 20 favors of Damaris
Fire Bird (Any 2 fire effect spells or fire enchantes, at least 1 air spell or air enchante)Ice Mistress (Any 4 water/ice spells or enchantes)
Renegade (Know Any sorcerous spell or enchante)
Rissan Warrior Witch butt-kicking hard requisites
Base some titles off spells used with some frequency, for example...
Webweaver - Ranger who uses harawep's bonds more than x times.
Imbuer - MM using imbue (duh)
Restorer - Rejuvenating clerics
For barbs you can use the roars, like Dragon Dancer Xxxxx Xxxx just arrived.
Liltist - Bard
Kertigen's Eye - Bard
Firestarter -Bard/Warmie Pyre or fire cantrip


Swamp Shaman Cleric, Circle 50, Swimming, Harm Evil.
Holy Guardian - Paladin/Cleric
Holy Warrior - Paladin/Cleric
Frost Mage - Forst Scythe + IP + FoI - Warmie
Storm Bringer - LB + CL or Pyre + Breath of Storms Warmie/Bard
Fire Breather - FS + FB + DB Warmie
Aether Knight - Ael + Ala Warmie
'God' Chosen - 1000 ranks total in a given skill favored by that god + 20 favor orbs of that god.
SongSworn - Bard, insane combat skills 2,000 total in combat skills.

Bean Thrower (Light Thrown)
Boomerang Dancer (Light Thrown, Agility)
Rattle cage all metal armor above 50 ranks
Wind runner all non metal or bone armor above 50 ranks
Standing rock all armor above 75, including shield
Silent steel 1 metal armor and hiding above adept all metal armors above ardent
Rolling steel all metal armor above ardent
Liquid steel 1 metal armor and all blades above ardent
Spinning steel Master in all blades and metal armor
Crushing steel Master in all metal armor and blunts
Stabbing steel master in all metal armor and pole arm weapons
Solid steel Master in all metal armor, melee and pole weapons
Errent breeze Master in all armor, hiding and stalking
Cloud Jumper Master in all armors below and including light chain
Archer Enough of any bow skill
Guardsman enough skill in weapons and perception
Goblin/Troll etc Slayer Enough kills of the creature
Goblin/Troll etc Murderer Less kills of the creature
Goblin/Troll etc Hater Less kills of the creature
Murderer PC kills
Duelist / Sparer Number of Spars
Beheader / Neck Snapper / Groin Ripper / Head Smasher Enough of particular kill hit and perhaps certain guilds.
Swordsman, Axeman, Hammerman Enough of the skill
Armsman 50 in shield, edged (sword) weapon, and pikes or halberds.
Lancer expert ranks in pikes and halberds

These are also secondary title suggestions, aka, a title prefix or a title suffix, as in they can only be chosen with another title.A tittle prefix/suffix goes on a title, not a player. You could choose to be pebble in a jellyfish's current Ecoles Dantas, but it wouldn't be Ecoles Dantas in a jellyfish's current, especially if you don't turn it on.At worse it would really goof up if you turned only it on, (missing title) in a jellyfish's current Ecoles Dantas of elanthia, (missing title) in a starfish's path.
1 armor to 50 ranks, grain of sand.
all armor to 50 ranks, pebble
all armor to 75 ranks, rock
all armor to 150, stone
all armor to 300, boulder
all armor to 600, statue
all armor to 1200, Obilisk
all armor to 2400, mountain.
+1 weapon to 50, floating (insert all armor)
+all blades to 50, soaked ""
+all blunts to 50, beached ""
+all poles to 50, (insert all armor) in a starfish's path
+all ranged to 50, "" in a jellyfish's current
+all blades to 100, spinning (insert all armor)
+all blunts to 100, tenderizing (insert all armor)
+all poles to 100, swirling (insert all armor)
+all ranged to 100, falling (insert all armor)
+all blades to 200, dancing "
+all blunts to 200, crushing "
+all poles to 200, dust devil "
+all ranged to 200, diving "
+all blade to 400, mincing "
+all blunts to 400, pulverizing "
+all poles to 400, whirlwind "
+all ranged to 400, crashing "
+all blades to 800, liquidating "
+all blunts to 800, flap jack "
+all poles to 800, tornado "
+all ranged to 800, devestating "
all weapons pre/suf nova, starburst
- have a beard and quite a bit of HT skill.
HammaZilla - S'kra or wearing a dragon mask and tons of HT skill.
Blunt crazy - anyone with over 400 overall blunt skill?
blade crazy - anyone with over 500 overall between the blades?
Bow crazy - anyone with over 500 overall bow skill.
crossbow crazy- anyone with more then 400 overall crossbow skill.
Shieldbearer - comon, awesome title and good for anyone with like....100+ shield?
Shieldbreaker +200 in all HE, and 2HE weapons, 50 strength.
God of the first circles - Anyone able to best a 30th + in combat? cept empaths and traders?
circle warrior
Death Slayer - anyone who kills over 10,000 undead?
Goblin slayer - ""
Prince Slayer / Royal Assasin - for the one who walks a prince?
Official Slayer - anyone who walks a GMNPC in game official.
Death bringer - Someone who kills certain # of necromancers?
Liche slayer - person who kills a necro in Lich mode.


Forger Scholarship & Artistan low skills
Scrivener Scholarship & Artistan high skills & some knowledge of Trading
Lore heavy - 250+ overall lore?
Mythweaver - 400+ overall lore?
Bartender (beer brewing/alchemy)
Boot Legger (beer brewing/alchemy)
Tea Taster/Teabrewer (Tea brewing/Alchemy)
Wine Connoisseur (Wine brewing/Alchemy)
Potter (pottery/mech lore)


Spell slinger Enough TM
Song Sweeper Enough Vocal & TM


Horseman A horse and horse training
Jouster Pike or Halberd and a horse
Knight A horse, horse training, pike or halberd, heavy, 2he, or me weapon.
Deeded Knight A horse, horse training, pike or halberd, heavy, 2he, or me weapon, and an estate.
(These are examples of how having citizenship might effect titles)
Therengarian Knight has all reqs for regular knighthood and is a citizen of Therengaria
Ilithi Archer has all the reqs for regular archer and is a citizen of Ilithi.
Zoluren Lancer has all the reqs for regular lancer and is a citizen of Zoluren


Organiser / Wedding planner etc. Charisma
Cobbler / Basket Maker / Cooper etc Mech Lore- Craftsmanship
Patrolguard or Guardsman Skill based, you catch someone in the act of a crime and accuse them.
Old Man Ribber Someone who jests a lot.
Gypsy No home, percussion skill
Script-a-holic for obsessive Scripters DR TF only.
Alteration bum - anyone who will sit for 10+ hours and wait for an alteration.
Defying death - those people we laugh at that log from combat a ton of times each day.
Kindred soul - GM given to those who give away tons of items or plat
Shield Monger - someone silly enough to have 5+ shields in their inventory somewhere
Item Collector - over 100 items in inventory
Item Monger - over 200 items in inventory
Item King - 300+
Trader in training - 400+
Screwed for inventory space - 500+
Lord / Lady of Wisdom anyone insane enough to have 200+ in everything trainable by their guild
King / Queen of Wisdom - 300+ in everything trainable by their guild.
Sage of the Mountain - 700+ in everything trainable by their guild.
Godly worship
Meraud Worshipper - 5+ favors
Meraud Devoted - 10+ favors
Meraud Fanatic - 20+ favors
Meraud Kindred - 50+ favors
Make it open to other gods if a character has, 20 favors, 10 from Murrula, and 10 from Kuniyo. Then they could swap between Murrula Devoted, or a Kuniyo Devoted until these favors are used.
Tart Snatcher stealing, halfling
Dabbler (Minimum of 30 ranks in all skills, except those that can no longer be learned)

Boot Licker (Scholarship, charisma, weapons, combat skills)
Artiste' (scholarship, artistry mastery/mech lore and craftsmanship mastery/mech lore)Samatak Sniffer (Foraging, Alchemy/Mech lore)
Shmuck (Have debt of more than 2 plats in any province)
Mooch (Have very little gold in all banks across the provinces)
Brown Noser (lots of scholarship and charisma in proportion to very little teaching)
Shy (low charisma, never uses quotes to talk out loud)
Orchastra Player (string or wind instrument skill)
Lutanist/Harpist (string instrument skill)
Most Nimble (character has the highest agility ranking in the game)
Hulking (character has the highest strength ranking in the game)
Lady/Lord Charming (character has the highest charisma ranking in the game)
Sage on the Mountain (character has the highest wisdom ranking in the game)
Emergency Field Personel (healing spell or enchante, firstaid, alchemy)
Home Maker (stays in house a lot)
Sacrist / Sacristan copies music and cares for books.

Room Specific Titles
Titles given to people who are always found in a specific popular place.
Sage of Talus, Sage of
Town Drunk (anyone who is always in the bar or taverns up to no good)
Performer (always performs in public places)
Mistwood Forest Dweller
Redwood Forest Dweller
Taelbert's Drunken Fool
Talebert's Drunken Idiot
Talebert's Drunken Bard
Half Pint Weeper

Mute X amount of time in game without speaking.
Doorstop / Permanent Part of the Landscape X amount of time in one room.
Homebody X amount of time spent in one's house.

Sub-Category Social
Lesser Noble (both ingame money, and exact appraisal value of all items in vault -includes the wealth owned by family members- house or perhaps a boat or on person)
Beggar (Less than 1 silver in the bank account of the province their currently in)
Stooge / Groupie (Your more often than not in a group with someone else.)
Gravedigger (available only if you graverob someone!)
Posse' / Clique (Like Clique, but Posse'... like while your in 's group, you can elect to have the title 's Posse' But only with her permission (you both must consider each other friends via befriend verb), you can keep this title weather the character to whose Posse you belong is in game, or not. Available only to anyone who cannot lay claim to the title Lesser Noble)
Lady (Available to any female who has Lesser Noble and is level 50 or higher)
Gent (Available to any male who has Lesser Noble and is level 50 or higher)
Socialite (Must have a Posse' of at least 4 characters each over circle 5 to get this title.)
Trade Diplomat (Anyone who buys or sells goods on a regular basis via barter. )
Matri/Partiarch Lord/Lady Protector Heir/Heiress Grandfather/mother Prodigal son/daughter Black-sheep family titles.
Gold-digger (spouse's bank account minus person's bank account?)
Cradle-robber (person's age minus spouse's age?)
Devoted (married certain amount of time?)
Divorcee (double, triple, and compulsive?)


Swimmer, Climber, Escapist, Forager etc Enough of the survival skill
Novice/Adept/Expert Swimmer etc Enough of the survival skill
Fence You handle shoplifted goods, stealing, stalking, perception, evasion, hiding.
Survival Guru - 400+ average survival
Weapon Monger - people with 300+ in all weapons

Animal Handler 100 ranks of Animal Lore
Animal Trainer 150 ranks of Animal Lore
Beast Master 200 ranks of Animal Lore
Creature / Animal Guardian x Animal Lore, and owns either a companion, horse, goat...etc...maybe a better word than Creature.
Forest Shadow 300 ranks of Hiding, Stalking, 250 Foraging, and % of time outside of cities.
Escapist 200 Escaping
Escape Artist 200 Escaping, 200 lockpicking
Kuniyo Sworn Available to anyone after x-amount of favor orbs to a specific god (not just Kuniyo). Should be different than what clerics are allowed, since they are theoretically much more devoted.
Wilderness Expert 200 foraging, 200 scholarship, maybe a certain amount of teaching too.
Abondoned Solder (2000 overall survivals and 2000 overall weapons)
Outcast Warrior (3000 overall survivals and 3000 overall weapons)
Lone Warrior (4000 overall survivals and 4000 overall weapons)
Suicidal If your multi is x ranks over your primary weapon or if it's your highest skill and is under Y ranks
Trama Attendant 200 in FirstAid.
Infamous (thief, non-thief with thief-skills)
Convict Number 12248 M'riss (thief, non-thief with theif-skills)
Ex-Con (thief, non-thief with thief skills, long ago jail time)
Convict (thief, non-thief with thief skills, recent jail time)
Fence (thief or non thief with thief skills, selling stolen shoplifted goods)
Jewel Thief (thief or non thief with thief skills)
Assasin (Anyone with at least 1 rank in backstab, and lots of other thief skills)
Political Backstabber (Anyone with at least 1 rank in backstab, charisma, agility, and other thief skills)


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