
The D'kara, an online blog & open discussion area for the personality behind the ever-creative Sircha of Dragonrealms.



Thursday, January 13, 2005

Iglar's Last Day

hmm... okay I played, her met Malveras through her. Became infatuated and dated him with Sircha.

I'm better at spellcasting now :)

I've closed Iglar's account, because... as much as I want to play her, I just like Sircha so much better.

The kindly empath stayed in character most of the time. Calling people my'lord, and my'lady, and giving them different titles. Kitty Lord Vank for example.

It was a bit wearing on me to try and heal people, and call them lord and lady all the time. Very stressful character to play. I think I might bring her back in a few months.

Sircha being the queen of pride, and a touch raunchier views everyone as either slightly above, equals or slightly below her.

Right now... Sircha's stuck in a stream in shard, and it doesn't look like anyone is going to be rescuing her. So... 100 ranks in swimming here I come! LOL!

I always try to keep good humor with Sircha, even when I get her into some fairly caustic problems.

Right now, while I work on swimming, I've been thinking, about sorcerous enchantes. I think that' s where I'm going to focus most of my creative direction. Until Sircha's time runs out, and I close her account for a few months. But I'll be back this time! Because I can afford it! This time it's real life that's making me close, so I can focus on real life things that are more important to me at times than playing Sircha.

Which is really, really a flip of what I've been like for the past many years. When I let DR events, and DR things rule my life. Now I'm thinking 2 months every 4 months is when I'll play.

Malveras... alas I am so sorry, I just wasn't thinking when I was being with you that it would ever end. But it needs to, I can't neglect my life for a game.


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