
The D'kara, an online blog & open discussion area for the personality behind the ever-creative Sircha of Dragonrealms.



Tuesday, November 23, 2004


The cold fire? ยท on 10/11/2004 2:51:32 AM
So, I just meditated on this log right...
Fingers of flame flutter from the log on the floor.>lick log You lick the log and discover that it's rather tasteless.

Yeah, it's inconsistancies like that all over the game that sorta make things not very real for me.
What probably should have happened...
>lick log You bend down and lick the log, catching your tongue on fire you scream horribly batting your tongue with your hands wildly jumping around the room.

'Ahhhh!' You attempt to speak but can't get your burned tongue to move, time to see an empath.

sing enchante You attempt to sing but can't move a burned tongue.

>lick (object) You lick (blank) the skin from your burnt tongue sloughs off, bleeding badly. (incremental damage increases) internal head.

Other notable inconsistancies.
You can climb Mount Hara'jaal but you can't tie a rope to the summit and rapel off it. You also can't go suicidal or crazy and jump off. (the game assumes nobody would really be that stupid. but it could add an element of danger to role-play.)

When crossing a river, you can't tie a rope to your horse, mule or wagon, and tie the other end to a friend who can't quite seem to cross on their own without drowning.

You can't target the strange sea-creature that's always disturbed on the Riverhaven to Langenfirth crossing. You can't climb on the rail and jump off most ferries either.

Can't leap from the balcony of the crossing Bard's guild, can't leap off or climb up/down balconies anywhere in game even when sometimes it seems very likely/possible.

You can rub an apple but you can't polish it. Same with most items.

Can't bestow characters other titles like Honorary Bard/Empath/Cleric/Barbarian/Thief/Trader/Warrior Mage/Moon Mage
Honorary meaning they'd make a darn good one if they joined the guild or are very useful to have around a certain guild.

I think it could only be bestowed by people with a huge RPG award history... if it were ever made.


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