
The D'kara, an online blog & open discussion area for the personality behind the ever-creative Sircha of Dragonrealms.



Monday, November 15, 2004


by: Rodal. I was lucky enough to get this done the other night in the sea caves...the quote is a variation on the one on the web site for the Society of the Honor Guard - Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. ( tap a steelsilk-strapped soldier's thigh quiver branded with historical scenes that you are wearing.>look quiver>The wide steelsilk straps of the quiver buckle around the thigh providing a lightweight but secure container. Soft yet tough leather pads the quiver to give protection against any weapons puncturing it. Several sections on the quiver are burned with elaborate scenes. Each of them shows an image of a famous hero from the past, including Lanival the Redeemer and the great Bardess Siryn Mistbringer. A phrase has been stitched in intricate emerald thread upon a leather strap.There appears to be something written on it.>read quiverA soldier's thigh quiver reads:"Heroes only die when they are forgotten. Bards never forget."


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