
The D'kara, an online blog & open discussion area for the personality behind the ever-creative Sircha of Dragonrealms.



Saturday, December 11, 2004

Return of the Lurker

hmm.. interesting debate stirring up. Hey, I'm game!

Bardic Mojo, and Murder

The debate really isn't about why Bard's get it, the debate is more about why it seems bards are singularly penalized for it while every other guild gets off scott free, with the exception of paladins.

If a GM were to explain that every guild is penalized in a different way for C vs. C killing only that it's not widely known, then the complaining would doubtless stop. (But this is a wild card and speculation not known truth)

Bards arn't paladins, but they shouldn't be singled out to receive a special penalty that no other guild really gets for c vs. c killings.

This is the current logic and understanding of the guild, and they won't stop complaining until someone gives them a good, solid answer for it.

Despite the fact that bards are famous, and known for it, and if Bardic blue eyes kills Barbarian fire rage with they pyre, most of the known world will hear about it overnight.

I view it as... an attempt to make bard's better, but unless every single guild is also penalized similarily or if there are current plans in the works to penalize each guild for c vs. c slayings, then it's a handicap bards are going to complain (and continue to complain) and be unhappy about.

Because when you stand back, and look at it from the outside, it's completely unnecessary, for bards to get special penalties for killing others in self-defense or roleplaying a Swashbuckling Bard, and suffering grave penalties for RP.


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