
The D'kara, an online blog & open discussion area for the personality behind the ever-creative Sircha of Dragonrealms.



Monday, November 08, 2004

The Flaming Pyre

There's more?! I knew it, I knew it, I knew there had to be more! *waits, lurks and watches*

DM Dartenian- "Not unless you want your own backpack blowing up. However...Let's just say Vaeldriil and I did some testing of how it should work in the test instance. My reaction was a mild, "Cool". On the other hand, I had to pick up Vaeldriil's jaw off the floor, and wait for her to find some other word to say other than, "wow'. It took a while.I won't kid ya. It's not gonna be an enchante you'll want to use all the time. Naphtha can be pricey, and hard to use. The enchante itself isn't going to be the easiest to use effectively. However, I think once you figure out how the enchante is supposed to work, you'll be far happier with it than you are now. Far far happier. The folks on the receiving end? They'll probably be screaming in terror.Let me get this Bug properly squished and the results checked out. I don't think you'll be displeased."
Shavay's take on it: So if this fix works as I think it will, instead of watching them bleed to death we'll want to keep Phoenix's Pyre going to watch them turn into tiny little charbroiled crispy bits. Fun fun fun!


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