
The D'kara, an online blog & open discussion area for the personality behind the ever-creative Sircha of Dragonrealms.



Thursday, November 11, 2004

Water Maidens: Enchante

Type: Enchante
Duration: Cycling
Based On: all original material

An enchante that summons water sprites in the rain.

Water sprites form of the water, into 3 lovely maidens, they reach out to encircle BARD lengthening their arms to almost comical lengths, they begin to dance around the Bard singing a sylvan melody:

The sprites will only protect the bard that summons them, ignoring anyone else in the group, unless they attempt to stalk or snipe.

Melody is sung in elven, only elves and Bard's know what being is sung.

The water sprites sing a quick, flowing lullaby in sylvan, they dance around Bard, encircling her.

Every so often, the water sprites sing a verse:
1st verse:
We are the affection of believing Eluned's songs
Our hope lies here in the moment of innocence
To be remmembered and sung about in the rain

I will sing the blessed water
Dancing under rain clouds
Ring around the bardy, we dance here tonight
Deep in the waters, around we form

(okay, so I've lost my patience for poetry, someone else can write it.)

What actually happens:

The sprites form a circle around the bard at Pole Range. In combat assess, you'll see 3 water sprites at pole range with Bard. This also means a bard can't retreat with critters at melee and with the enchante up. They stop or slow any creatures advancing from missle and force any creatures that were at pole range back to missle range.

A bard can however, slay all the critters at melee and then move with a group. Using the enchante, does not automatically disband a group.

However, if the bard decides to advance upon a creature, the spirits part to let the target opponent thru, sometimes whispering things like, "Now your going to get it, best to surrender now." or throughouly mussing hair or soaking clothing.

However once an opponent is inside the circle, they need to make a reflex save vs. the power of the water spirits or else they get pushed back to melee range, and on their knees. The spirits then mock those who retreat saying things like. "Afraid ?" "Death comes at the heels of your retreat." "You think it's so easy, to retreat and hide like a cowardly fool? Think again."

However, the opponent is partially protected from other attackers advancing upon them from missle range.

This enchante doesn't effect things that are still at melee range.

Attempts to stalk the bard: If the target is originally outside the ring of dancing sprites, the target must make a successful reflex, agility and strength save vs. the dancing sprites.

A failed stalk attempt:
The water sprites become agitated for a moment, and then form themselves into a massive arcing wave that spreads outward knocking back and revealing a faenrae stalker.

Attempts to snipe the bard: If the target is originally outside the ring of dancing sprites, the target must overcome the sprites inherent agility saves.

A failed snipe attempt example when the ring is already established.
You snipe at Bard. A dancing water faery dives infront of Bard, deflecting the bolt in the nick of time! You hear a watersprite say in your thoughts, "Leave the Bard alone if ye know what's best for ye!"

PreReqs: Aether Wolves & Demmeris' Resolve.

Verb interactions like hug, smooch, kiss, etc.
The sprites watch you carefully with pale blue glinting eyes, viewing you as a non-threat they let you pass by unhindered.
You duck under the arm of the water sprites and give bard a quick hug.


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