
The D'kara, an online blog & open discussion area for the personality behind the ever-creative Sircha of Dragonrealms.



Friday, November 05, 2004

New Consent Verbs

Verba movent, exempla trahunt.

New Verb/System to Help with Consent Clarification ยท on 11/5/2004 4:50:40 PM Generate a link to this post in a pop-up window. 1270
Within the next few days, we'll be testing releasing a new verb/system that should help out with consent issues in some cases, particularly for those of you who like to play out scenarios that could result in someone getting...hurt.

Here's the information on how it works:

Usage: WARN

In this case, the verb is simply messaging, with no real functionality.

WARN [of ]

When this method is employed, an OOC message will be sent to the player, privately letting them know your feelings, to clear up any possible doubt about where you both stand. Records are kept of all communications issued and received, as well as whether they were acknowledged or declined, as applicable.

Suitable for roleplayed conflicts where it is to the players' advantage to have consent on record. The receiving player will have an opportunity to acknowledge the warning so that any potential conflict can be settled to both parties' satisfaction. Note that the agreement terminates once either player dies or one hour has passed.

Suitable when someone's actions have transgressed beyond the boundaries of acceptable, normal roleplay and are disrupting your enjoyment of the game. This should not be used lightly. You will be expected to behave yourself as well as the person to whom you issued such a statement.

Suitable for expressing to the other party that you wish to have NO INTERACTION WHATSOEVER with them. This option should not be used unless you are willing to remove yourself from the presence of the person to whom you issue it. Upon issuance, both players should immediately go their separate ways and cease all interaction with each other, including (but not limited to) conversations regarding the other player with third parties (besides staff members).

Note that in all cases, this verb is simply for improved communication. Policy and handling of situations remains unchanged, and under no circumstances should the WARN verb be viewed as an excuse or license to take matters into your own hands, should the other party ignore your wishes. As always, your best course of action in such a situation is to place an ASSIST and speak with a GameHost.

Obviously, I'll let you know when it's released. We hope to be ready for testing this weekend and then once we have the logging and everything working properly, we'll be adding in some other small features (for example, a way to jump right into CHALLENGE mode without the messaging for times when you want to beat someone, but not necessarily kill them, etc.).

I for one, am a happy bard over this improvement! It makes me more apt to come back to DR now that there is a way to clearly state my intentions with Miw. I'm still deeply (furiously) angry at that bastard son of a bastard. I feel like spilling into a frothing full-on barbarian's berzerk Rage whenever I think of him. I think that until I outgrow my anger for this individual I will be staying voluntarily IN retirement, away from DRPRIME, and yet, I will remain here in spirit writing the D'kara in hopes of improving the game for my friends.


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