
The D'kara, an online blog & open discussion area for the personality behind the ever-creative Sircha of Dragonrealms.



Thursday, November 04, 2004

Bardic Fighting Finesse

I'm going to start making my own adapted Bard Quotes of the day, we'll see how long THAT lasts! Also going to start listing abilities as Major or Minor.
"When Bards pick battles carefully, a bard can become a deadly opponent, not to mention hard to pin down."

Fighting Finesse
Bardic Ability: Major
The Fighting Finesse ability opens new doors to fighting as a classical bard, and could lead to being named Songsworn.
This ability gives bards a series of weapon-related actions.
Criss-cross: A fanciful, if elaborate edged flourish, changes opponents appearance under injuries, and disguises a player's clothing with a temporary minor illusion: A creatures clothing hangs in tatters, the creature has some cuts and bruises across the chest.
Button: Using the tip of your (weapon) you casually pick off a button from creature's shirt. This ability creates a random color/appearance button on the floor. To make it virtually impossible for bards to become bored with this one, I suggest making 1,000 button types to be randomly picked from. Some may be more common than others. These buttons can later be used in custom alterations. Although I can just IMAGINE a bard doing this thousands of times trying to get a rare goldbark button or something similiar.
Flea: Carefully approaching, you quickly stab your weapon through the heart of an unfortunate bug, Squish-Ka-Barb!
Salute: You raise your weapon so that it's parallel to your nose, you then swipe it down in a quick flourish at (creature/player)
Flashy Fighting: Enabling this gives a bard a bonus to all feint attacks, as it has a chance of bedazzling the opponent through your sheer weapon prowess. Works same as Feint, just more fanciful descriptions for bards.
Fire: You dance and whirl, dancing as a whirlwind of flames, your weapon hungrily licks at (creature).
Grace: You raise your sword up to block. Works same as Parry, only defending bard gains a small competetence bonus to parries. ex. Creature one attacks, Parry. Creature 2 attacks. Parry. Creature 3 attacks, Parry. Room message: You watch with awe as Bard locks weapons with creature and creature and creature parrying 3 attacks with one swift motion.
Psychometric Gift: Your eyes go out of focus and you sense a crossing between the lines of fate and destiny within your weapon, you sense for a moment a glimpse of the future and without hesitating strike true. Single shot Huge, kick arse! skill bonus in weapon, does not stack with other enchante effects or attack enhancing abilities. Could take weeks of play to recover from using it.

Gift use is very hard on a bard's mojo, it can take a great deal of recovery time for a bard to recover from using the Gift. Indeed although some bards talk about it, many bards simply do not possess the proper lineage to use the deemed Gift. High pre-reqs before this part of Weapon Finesse can become useable. I call it something to look forward to.

Why Psychometry? Bards as a whole I've decided seem to have some Psychometric powers from the Instrument Bonding ability, I've been attempting to elaborate on these, and pushing them as far as the envelope will go or even bend.

Acrobatics: Bard bounces off the walls, literrally! Becomes a virtually untouchable whirlwind. Uses the Dodge command, but unlike dodge gives a significant bonus to the bard as long as bard is unhindered.

Acrobatic Charge: Charge to melee with a creature that others perhaps cannot engage. Like a critter that has 3 at melee with it. A bard can use the lunge command to commense on an Acrobatic Charge, putting the bard immediately at melee facing creature, and dealing combat damage. Different messages could accompany different settings:
Outdoors Rocky wilderness: Bard leaps over a boulder and with a startling yell charges straight into the melee knocking (random player) away from (creature/player)
Urban: Bard dodges through the crowd, jumps over a market stand and plunges his sword into (creature/player).
Ships On deck: Bard grabs ahold of the rigging and swinging wildly over the melee drops down from the line sword already swinging at (creature/player) with a loud "Har! Ye mates!"
Ships Below deck: Bard leaps over fishnets and bundles, tumbling end over end to come up on her feet at melee with (creature/player) .
This part of the system should remain open-ended so more terrains can be added later on as needed.

Fighting Finesse Combat Pool - this is gained by successfully using attacks without lunge or pole-melee charges, is used specifically for all Fighting Finesse abilities.

Acrobatic Mastery: Can climb or swim out of melee combat without needing to retreat if the option to climb or swim is immediately available.

Deabilitating strike 1:
Ability: Automatic. Can be toggled on/off. 10% chance permanently removes 1 pt. of strength from opponent. (this can be later retrained for players, with half the cost of the original one.)

Deabilitating strike 2:
Ability: Automatic. 10% chance of permanently removing 2 pts. of strength and 1 pt. of stamina.

DeAbillitating strike 3:
Ability: automatic. 10% chance of permanently removing 3 pts of strength, 2 pts of stamina, and 1 pt of random stat.

And before anyone says no, I'd like to point out that bards don't really want to hurt people, were nice folk really. But sometimes, the best deterrant to being picked on is the threat of an excellent counter-attack.


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