
The D'kara, an online blog & open discussion area for the personality behind the ever-creative Sircha of Dragonrealms.



Thursday, November 04, 2004

Bardic Wit

Bardic Ability
Abillity: Minor
Activation: Verbs
Wit (sharp, scathing, fury, cutting, barbed, sexy, quick, etc.)

Only works on creatures that can understand languages, but perhaps could work with Tongues to work with any creature.

I'm sure if asked, the rest of the guildsibs can add another dozen or 3 to the list.

Wit sharp (creature)
You sharply speak to (creature). "You clumbsy, bumbling, fish-toad lout! "
Creature retorts defiantly. "Wat ya goin' do 'bout it ham hand?"
Creature drops it's weapons hunkers down and whimpers. (unless it's a player then player puts tucks em in player's backpack, even if backpack or pack is closed.)
Benefits: Creature goes defenseless until you attack it.

Admittedly this is 'strong-arm' role-playing, but sometimes it's needed. *wink*

Wit Fury (creature)
You glare indimidatingly at (creature) and say, "I hate you, you useless meat-shield!"
Creatures glares back at you and says, "I hate you too, you useless Bard."
Creature stares down at feet and breaks down into hopeless shuddering sobs.
Benefits: Creature becomes more succeptible to Offensive Bardic enchantes and abilities.

Wit Sexy (creature)
You smile smoothly at (creature) and say, "How about a round over at the Bar?"
Creature breaks into a toothy grin and says, "Anytime Sweetheart."
Creature blushes and giggles.
Benefits: Creature becomes more succeptible to Charm-like Bardic Enchantes and Abilities.

Wit Quick (creature)
You raise your hand to give (creature ) a high five.
Creature smirks and sniggers to itself ignoring your offer. You feel like the fool.
Creature moves to give you a high five, but you snatch your hand away just in time. Laughing.
You palm a silver piece that you just snatched from Creature. (I think the amt you steal should be relevant to a bard's stealing ability, which should be significantly more for bards than their thief counterparts to get anything more than a few coppers and other oddities.)

Actually, having in truth thought on this a bit more... *wink*
Perhaps you should make it so a player has the option, instead of it being a skill check, to accept or decline an offer which gives the bard automatic success if accepted, or failure if not.


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