
The D'kara, an online blog & open discussion area for the personality behind the ever-creative Sircha of Dragonrealms.



Friday, November 05, 2004

Gypsy's Dance

"Wild, exotic, and dangerous as her whirling blades, the Gypsy is a species of bard to be wary of."

Ability: Minor
Activation: Verb

A bard can use this ability to instill fear in lesser opponents, or to attract the attention of all possible superior opponents in the room, almost like flashing a sign that says, "attack me." Using the Swordplay verb before or during a fight gives a bard a quick advantage to balance and position. But be wary of using it too often, as your opponents can take advantage of the bard that over-uses this ability by guessing the bard's next movements and attacks.

Whirling her blades and skirts around the gypsy becomes an exotic and alluring whirlwind, dangerous, yet seductive all the same.

Dervish Dance
Ability: Major
Activation: Dance Dervish

A bard of great combat skill, RP fame, and performing lore can perfect the art of swordplay combos by going into a dervish dance. The dance gives a huge bonus to strength and reflexes, dropping combat roundtimes, and sustaining a bard's fatigue. (meaning said bard regains fatigue faster while dancing)

Movement Mastery
Ability: Major
Activation: Verbs: Jump, or Tumble

A bard with a lot of performing lore can apply it getting out of bad situations. By using Movement Mastery, a bard can get out of combat instantly, at will. Everyone in the room sees: Bard jumps up into the air somersaulting over (if at melee) opponents. All critters that were attacking bard look around confused and dumbfounded.
OR if underground or in shelters with roofs:
Bard drops to the ground, performing a series of quick acrobatic tumbles and rolls between the legs of (if at melee) opponents. All critters that were attacking bard look around confused and dumbfounded.

Slashing Blades
Ability: Minor.
Activation: Slash with

Melee' weapon roundtimes drop significantly for a set time dependant on the bard's weapon ranks and performing lore.

Dance of Death
Ability: Minor
Activation: Behead

Bard can make a series of quick aggressive attacks leading to a beheading attack. Cannot use other fight commands while this ability is activated.

Elaborate Parry
Ability: Minor
Activation: Automatic.

A bard can use multi-opponent, parry, + lore skill to block and parry attacks. Has some additional flashy messaging added to bards who have aquired this ability.

A Thousand Cuts
Ability: Major
Activation: Requires the use of Desert's Maelstrom to be in effect, jab thousand.

Once per week Roundtimes on all jab attacks are reduced to 0 for 10-100 seconds depending on a bard's lore skill.


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