
The D'kara, an online blog & open discussion area for the personality behind the ever-creative Sircha of Dragonrealms.



Friday, November 05, 2004

The BladeSinger's Tune

"Art, swordplay, and arcane magic a bard can meld all of these into a harmonious whole."

Ability: Minor
Activation: Automatic.

A bard can apply their knowledge of performing arts and acrobatics (General Lore skills) to making reflex saves.

Ability: Major
Activation: Verb diplomacy

A bard finding themselves in dire straights in the middle of combat or such, can once a day attempt a parlay with all creatures in the room. Calling a halt to all combat in the local area. This can be used but not abused during war-time.
A bard's success at parlay is his or her RP Fame + charisma + lore.
Note: Can only be used on intelligent or semi-intelligent but not dumb creatures.

Song of Celerity
Ability: Major
Activation: Sung at a bard using a 1st tier enchante.
Can be sung only at another bard who is singing an enchante. The enchanting Song of Celerity temporarily converts any 1st tier enchante into an instantaneous room spell effect. It also causes the song it's effecting to end. But can be used to initiate fast bard-effects.

Song Fury
Ability: Minor
Activation: Recall Song Fury

Song Fury, is an inner voice, a mental song played in the bard's head of remmemered lyrics and tunes from learning Song Fury.

When a bard makes an attack with 1 weapon and nothing in other hand while the Song Fury is activated, the first attack round time is reduced to 0, while the second is always normal.

Dancing Fae
Ability: Minor
Activation: Bardic Spell

Dancing Fae is a cantrip bardic spell, a bard can by drawing on the songs of the elemental forces, call the fae to them from the enchanted realm. Dancing Fae increase a bard's charisma by enchanting all around bard with their sweet charisma.

Simple Image
Ability: Minor
Activation: Bardic Spell

Simple Image creates one image of a bard's design up to 68 characters in length. The duration is up to 1 hour, and can be dispelled at any time.

prep simple image 6
cast simple image
Casting Simple Image Please specify appearance.
>A silver unicorn hoof.
Image accepted.
A poof of smoke rises up as you raise your hands, chanting an arcane phrase: Lir, andwen coronoa!
The smoke vanishes leaving a silver unicorn hoof in it's place.
Look hoof.
You see a silver unicorn hoof.
Get hoof.
Your hand goes through the illusion disturbing the spell matrix enough to cause it to collapse in a faint shimmer of light.


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