
The D'kara, an online blog & open discussion area for the personality behind the ever-creative Sircha of Dragonrealms.



Sunday, October 03, 2004

DR Magic: Enchantes

DR Magic: Enchantes

This is a big topic for everyone, with views on both sides. Continuous effect looping spells, essentially. It's been suggested that bards have two settings for enchantes our continous effect spells are like the headlights of a car, they're either on, or off on high beam.

Lieutenant Elriic Melniibone of the Zoluren Dragoons has suggested that a Low beam setting be added for enchantes, the strongest effect would be more control over beneficial group enchantes. The same idea presented by Elenelear was Chant Rage Self, Chant Rage Group, Chant Rage Room. Adding to this, why not, have a setting for Chant Rage Allies, which would benefit only those in your immediate area who are on your friend list?

Eoworfinia suggests a slightly different approach: So my idea is to play to or or , down to the lilt. It is similar in thought to the self, group, room idea, however, it is more of a targeted "spell" method. If we could do things like this, a player vs player challenge would put us into the same boat skill wise in hitting back our challenger, MR would only come into play when doing a one on one challenge or room enchant, yes, it would change our position in a triage situation and possibly weaken the enchants that help in those situations, however, we would be able to be on the battle field more.

Whichever way development bends, bards simply do want more control over their enchantes. Who and what they effect and so on, especially with MR issues when you just want to target one person with Abandoned Heart. (My personal favorite)


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