
The D'kara, an online blog & open discussion area for the personality behind the ever-creative Sircha of Dragonrealms.



Saturday, October 02, 2004

Rumors, Treasure, and Dartenian

Wow, I'm so hyped from reading it, I wanna play, I wanna play, I wanna play. And here I gotta wait until I'm graduated, but this is why the D'kara exists, so I can make ideas, watch the game develope from the outside, make more ideas, that's what I spent most of my time doing in DR in the last 6 months I was playing. Usually I was just posting, posting, posting more ideas. For me, this is my idea of fun.


Beginning in October, I'll be feeding some rumors into the Rumor System around the start of each month. Not necessarily on the first, but definitely within 5 days either side of the first. Some of these will be pure rumor, plain and simple, and some will be rumors to support current or upcoming events, although moreso in Platinum than in Prime or TF, since that's where I run most of my own events. However, there's a reason I'm announcing it here for everyone....

Included in mix at the start of each month will be at least one rumor that is a clue for a "treasure" hidden somewhere in the realms. It may be something as simple as a lost family heirloom with little real value outside being unique to a buried pirate treasure to something very rare and valuable indeed! There may be more than one rumor involving said "treasure", providing clues to both location and nature. There may be deliberate red herrings put in by both myself and possibly fellow treasure hunters looking to steer you off the track. But there will be at least one rumor in there that points to something waiting to be found...somewhere.
A few quick notes:

If something remains unfound for a given month, I'll add more rumors to support its existance in addition to adding the new monthly treasure.

I will say straight up front that most will be hidden in little used areas, specifically to encourage people to get out and explore more, as well as to lower the chances of accidentally stumbling over things - I want the rumors to be the best way to find them.

In general, expect that if the area is dangerous (or if you have to pass through a dangerous area) that the reward will be at least worth the risk...but understand that this isn't a guarantee, merely a general guideline.

The more valuable the "treasure", the more vague the initial rumor will be, and the more likely it will be that people will need to wait for future supporting rumors. Again, a general guideline, not a hard and fast rule.

Why am I doing this? For one thing, I know a few people out there who would have a lot of fun with treasure hunts, and this is a simple, straightfoward way to provide them to everyone in all instances with minimal work on my end. Second, because the Rumor System is woefully underused, by both GMs and players alike. If more players use it, I'll have better luck badgering more GMs into using it. If more GMs use it, I'll have more luck prodding more players into using it. I'm sneaky that way. Third, because encouraging people to use the system opens the door to slipping other little things out as well."

End Exerpt


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