
The D'kara, an online blog & open discussion area for the personality behind the ever-creative Sircha of Dragonrealms.



Saturday, October 02, 2004

World Building: Xibar

To travel to and experience the blue caverns of Xibar, only poets dream of such, from imaginings of old bards and legends.

Foreshadowing: NPC storytellers and such have it added to their list of tales. Often it is referred to as a child's story tale, it spreads to other NPC's and similiar storytellers. Perhaps this is done months, possibly years in advance of the release, to give it time to sink in as part of DR culture.

The Legend Unfoldes:

Getting to the caverns was a bit of a quest within itself, starting off as the faintest of rumors about the new province. A hidden room underground that led to the stars. At an excavation archeological site hidden deep within it. Perhaps with only a .001% chance of discovery lies the blue key an artifact crafted from a blue mineral that eminates it's own light, it's handle the shape of Xibar, the blue moon. Once found, rumors begin to surface around the provinces of an ancient dwarven legend. That once upon a time, the dwarves forged a gateway deep in one of their mountains, that connected to the stars. Often regarded as a child's myth to entertain children, this legend seems to become more and more a reality. A new archeological dig is begun under one of the oldest and most sacred dwarven mountains. Adventurers who wish to work, must complete a mini-quest to obtain the dwarven king's permission to operate on sacred ground. Like any other archeological site it has 8 areas to work in, some with incredible amounts of mana, some with none. Lots of dwarven artifacts are hidden in these areas, and each will eventually unlock a part of the gate, but all 8 need to be fully excavated to work.

Perhaps even a cart system where character's can place unwanted items, then the cart just rolls away. (empties the trash) and is replaced by a new one. Each area of the gate is hidden under 200 ft of rubble from cave-ins and other debris. Knowing how zealous some character's can be, a system should be worked out so that parts of the gates are slowly unearthed, perhaps in a room that gets a lot of attention, a roleplaying scenario, where an NPC worker trips over something, and then discovers part of a buried archway made of a curious glowing blue marble.

Rumors later abound as to what's been found, it's significance. Different NPC scholars publish statements in the local province newspapers. There could even be a contest to write about the historical findings, the best 3 get placed in the Waerd-Av, and a free alteration. Over time, more archways of a fine blue mineral are discovered, in the same archeological areas although it's unknown how deep they go. (Like discovering a buried Stone Henge)

No apparent changes then occur for a long time, 6 months to a full year to let the excitement of it all die down a bit, and for those who are dedicated to archeological digging there to have a breather. Prince Vorclaf or some other dignitary visits just for appearances. Some interest is renewed in the area but not much. Nothing new is continued to be found, except perhaps a 2% chance of finding blue glowing marble gemstone chunks, or some of Dartenian's rumored treasures.

Another real-time year passes by, and floor is taken away in some of the most dug-up rooms and replaced with scaffolding, and ladders are added going downwards. Some note will be taken of this, as the excavations continue. Perhaps a small influx of curious people digging, asking questions or looking around. New archeological treasures appear on the next level down, perhaps more curiousities and such, less rubble and even a few bodily remains.

The dwarven king could express interest, and ask that the remains be placed in special bags and reverently cared for, for burial in ancestral homelands. This could slow the digging down, but add the opportunity for gaining RPA's for those who act as the dwarven king requests. Also those who blantantly violate the dwarven king's requests may find themselves given an RPA and have their passes permanently revoked by his guards.

As areas continue to be dug up, perhaps one of the less used rooms on the top, suddenly has a constant dedicated adventuring crew in attendance, then those archways could begin to be revealed.

Additional levels are slowly dug up and revealed, until a solid marble floor with blue glowing quartz lines is revealed at the bottom. More NPC and PC scholars could write their varying views on the new and exciting discovery, another contest ensues. More give-away alterations.

Eventually when all 8 original rooms are completely dug up by zealous adventurer-archeologists then the full pattern will be revealed. A room with 8 connected archways made of glowing blue marble. In the center is a groove for the blue moon key. Once set in the groove, the key seals itself in there, and becomes a part of the room. Completeing an Arcane Grazhir key, The blue stone archways each glow, and new directions become available in the room. N, NE, NW, S, SE, SW, E, W. Going in either direction teleports the character to the blue stone caverns of Xibar, the pit where long ago, a meteor from Grazhir crashed into Xibar. Once there they get promptly chased around or slain by a blue dragon wyrmling.

Further adventures: Exploring Xibar caverns are sure to lead to the invention of many new races, underground caves, and creatures to fight, love, and play with. The mountain and surrounding country-side starts seeing a lot of new creatures, curious visitors from Xibar start to wander the province, and extend their journies to other provinces. A new character class is born.


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