
The D'kara, an online blog & open discussion area for the personality behind the ever-creative Sircha of Dragonrealms.



Friday, October 01, 2004

Psychometry and Bards

Moon mages shouldn't have such a monopoly on Psi. Bards manipulate emotions, true, bards could possibly study a more mental path, similiar to recall, but perhaps pick up emotions on objects. (Much like Psychometry essentially. At higher levels, perhaps even place very strong emotions on objects. Like if an item they were wearing or holding when they died was stolen, or lost they could pick up the mental vibe if it was recent. If it's something they touched/used often, they could perhaps imprint the item with their spiritual essense. (Shared Cleric/Bard Ability?) Instrument bonding was meant to be, only this would extend to personal or favorite items as well.)

Perhaps, this could be abilities tied directly to enchante paths? Like, Rage of the Clans literally as the pre-requisite for this ability. It would make more sense for emotion-changing enchantes to be tied with the ability.

Later on, perhaps Psychometry, could be advanced to the point of detecting thoughts, those sent by someone in the same room via gwethdesuan, and incomming thoughtcasts to that person.


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