
The D'kara, an online blog & open discussion area for the personality behind the ever-creative Sircha of Dragonrealms.



Sunday, October 31, 2004


Bardic Scare Tactics:

Reqs: Must be hiding.
Bard jumps out of hiding and scares the living begeebes out of victim, (NPC, PC, or Monster) The creature in question must make a willpower check vs. the bard's charisma check. When the victim fails their face goes stark white and they loose all speech, roar and spellcasting, all attacks suffer a critical penalty, if they attack it is solely based on their ability stats while under this effect, all of the victims ranks are temporarily reduced to 0. This lasts for a number of minutes equal to the bard's lore divided by 60. Requires a full tank of Bardic Mojo to pull off.

You attempt to talk, but all you manage is a pleading jibber.
You attempt to attack, but your hand is shaking so badly you miss by a mile!
You gasp in terror, your eyes going wide as the room around you goes black. Stunned 10 seconds.

If the scare fails, the creature in question laughs it off.

This ability can only be countered by Redeemer's Pride, and Courage.


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