
The D'kara, an online blog & open discussion area for the personality behind the ever-creative Sircha of Dragonrealms.



Saturday, October 30, 2004

Bard Events

"Since it was mentioned...

Y'all want some events? Do YOU have any ideas for events?

Toss 'em my way...either via email ( or by posting here.

Let me add that I'm not really referring to a fully-thought-out event idea ("I'd like us to find a relic that will allow us to storm the lighthouse and signal the pirate battalion, then take over the main ship, where we find out the commander can't make spinach dip, so we find a recipe, allowing him to carry on, and in his gratitude he gives us the Bardic Cutlass of Doom and Looting, as well as his ship, which we then use to start Bardic Party Cruises, with your activities director Silvy, and Macfrae as the bartender, and..."(breaks out into the Loveboat theme))...but more an idea of what type of thing you'd like to see.

Full-blown things like the Karovaas/Yalleck/enchantes or Medmaev event?

Short-term events like finding Esmaril's daughter (and the things that belonged to her mother)?

One-day type events like escorting someone like Annelore, Tasdrean, or a guildleader to a particular spot for a meeting or delivery?

Eagerly awaiting your input :)


In the least bit, this'll be my pre-email writing exercise.

The full blown events they just seemed to drag out forever, and ever, and ever. Some bards I know loved em, but me... no I got bored and went back to the hunt. Getting harrased by critters was just plain annoying. Now if it was introduced differently, like it involved the PC's more, then I'd like it better. Like.... a PC starts hearing inner music in their playing, if they're scripting or something, they miss out, but if they ask a guildleader or certified elder bard within a certain time-frame, they get involved in a major plot as if they were as important as Yallack or Medmeve, along with all their buds. Put a watcher on the bard in question to see what he whispers, says or gweths to anyone, when he asks a wise old bard, NPC, GMPC, or PC for guidance on this issue it means he or she accepts the quest. That would be cool and fun. If the chosen one doesn't, then the quest moves on to another random candidate.

Short term and One-day events were definitely more interesting to hear about.

I'm thinking a series of One-day events that all tied together would be fun. On the other hand, I always wished Silvy or one of the more jovial guild leaders would suddenly hold a birthday bash for 1 elanthian day. They might invite a few tailors, minstrels, a face painter or two, PC or NPC to fancy up everyone's clothing. Perhaps providing them with a rare/custom pattern particular to that event. I would also love to see a particularly kindly guild leader hand out an alteration scroll or two as gifts for particularly talented bards singing at such events. There could even be a small series of mini-events leading up to the B-day.


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