
The D'kara, an online blog & open discussion area for the personality behind the ever-creative Sircha of Dragonrealms.



Friday, June 23, 2006

Returning to the game

Bards In Real Life... intended post

Return of the Sircha

So what's new? Other than playing a bard in stormreach not much... but a few enchantes/abilities were inspired from there. Oh and guys, I've decided to change my name. Please refer to me as Syrcha Wynnrose from now on.

Having been gone for the greater part of 2 years, and having returned periodically with different faces to check up on the Bard's Guild. I have to say, you guys do seem to be doing well. Yes it is the same old person behind the same old player, I don't believe I'd ever sell my account to anyone after all of the effort and love I've poured into my characters.

Shavay and others might be clamoring to say, we saw you back in January, someone named a character Syrcha and invaded the bard's guild and tried to get us to accept her as the old Sircha! The story behind that was that the place I had worked for had shut down shop, destaffed to a skeleton crew and since I was extra, left me to hang with promises of work, and no work for a very painful month and a half, only the grace and extra money provided from my parents during this rough spot kept me going. I was bored with nothing to do except surf internet and visit boyfriend and watch tv movies and even those grew dull with no great source of entertainment. So I rolled up Syrcha and strolled around DragonRealms during the free trial period. Shavay took the time to explain to me how wrong this was, so I backed out of playing and sat around brooding and reading books out of the library all winter.

Things are slightly better now, can afford 2 game subscriptions this month DR and stormreach, and will soon have enough extra to start a new savings account.

My new favorite authors that I have just started to read books of are Anne Rice and Terry Pratchet. At the age of 24 I finally had my first taste of booze. It was Peach Schnapps. I have tried a very limited amount of booze including Festive Sangria YUCK!, Peach Schnapps 30% proof good for pouring on boyfriend and licking off, Manischewitz Pure virgin wine 5% proof kosher I love the concord grape and blueberry flavors, Twisted Lemon Tea 10% proof Mmmm it's okay, not an experience I'm eager to repeat, Camelot honey mead 15% proof good stuff, like it better without the spices, and whiskey 90% proof. My boyfriend screamed at me in winter when I came in freezing, grabbed the bottle and drank 6 servings worth without putting it over ice. Instantly warmed me up from mouth to belly in 8 seconds.

Tier 4 & 5 & 6

Tier 4

Sub-Sonic Shield: Shield that extends to pole range from you that blocks sounds, deals 1d6 sonic damage +1/circle and deafens creatures passing through. For a circle 55th bard to take this spell would automatically deal a minimum of 56 damage to creatures passing through it.

Aethereal Mount: You transform touched mount into an Aethereal mount which can gallop at twice the speed of a regular mount as it is unhindered by any physical obstacle. Also makes mount and rider invulnerable to attack by non-aetheral spells

Lay of the Land: allows you to get a geographical peek at all areas surrounding yours, including monsters, barricades, and directions.

To the North you see: All rooms north, northeast, and northwest within 6 movements.
To the South you see: All rooms south, southeast, and southwest within 6 movements.
To the East you see: All rooms East within 6 movements
To the West you see: All rooms west within 6 movements
Special areas: Bridges, gates, doorways and where they lead within 6 movements are included.
Portal and special protected areas cannot be pierced by Lay of the Land.

Ray Deflection: Ray attacks are reflected away from the bard onto any other targets as random blasts of the reflected and diffused ray.

Protege': Subject can use bardic music and bardic knowledge as a bard of half your level.

Resonating Bolt: Bespells an arrow or missle one use only to deal extra damage of 1d4 bard/circle up to 50d4. Enchantment is temporary and only lasts 10 minutes.

Rune Word of Fortune: Self ONLY In desperate need, you cry out a word, a word so ancient and powerful that it was entrusted to you by the Naga.

How I envision this working, you prep the spell Rune World of Fortune, then when your ready to cast, you say the key words to casting the side of the spell you want, whether it's vitality healing, poison immunity, fear immunity, or additional evasion points. Now I'm just using latin to explain as an example, if I could've found elothean or naga spellings I would have used those instead. These words of power will buy valuable time for a bard, without needing to wait for an enchante.

Rune word of fortune 1: salvenenum combination latin word saleus 'good health' and venenum 'poison'. Immediate Effect: Temporary immunity to poison, and you gain a luck bonus on saving throws to poison equal to your charisma modifier. It only lasts about 12 seconds.

Rune word of fortune 2: Immediate Effect: You instantly flush with new vitality, and your wounds begin to close. This is a temporary effect, it doesn't really heal you just slows the bleeding down and the serverity of your injuries lessens. It only lasts about 12 seconds.

Rune word of fortune 3: Immediate Effect: You instantly gain your level in evasion points, and your charisma modifier temporarily replaces your reflex modifier. So if your level 50, you gain an extra 50 ranks in evasion, and if you have a charisma of 28, and a reflex of 20, your charisma modifier suddenly acts as your reflex modifier for 12 seconds.

Rune word of fortune 4: Immediate Effect: You instantly gain a luck bonus on will saves against malicious spells this bonus is equal to your level as a bard. It also makes you immune to fear effects.

Sirin's Grace: You gain bonuses to Charisma, Dexterity, armor class, perform and swim checks

Vocalise of the Performer: Magically enhances the ability of Voice throwing and adds ranks in bardic music on the target. Suggested actiin descriptive text: oo-lol-do-si-pop

5th Tier

Bolts of Pure Light: One ray of pure light is shot off at each cast. Momentarily gives light to dark places and dazzles all monsters in a given room for up to 9 seconds.

Disharmonic Body: One living creature, Piercing tone deals 1-10 damage to one ability/3 seconds. Using your voice and a glass of water you are able to cause any creature in the room to vibrate in tune to your voice and the water you hold. This deals elemental damage to the victim, causing them to lose temporary stat points or physical and mental damage, Bard's choice, the ability effected needs to be changed every 8 seconds, and the bard cannot focus solely on one ability for multiple rounds or the spell will fail. The victim under this disharmonic spell will whine and hum discordantly. The victim suffers a severe penalty to all hide, stalk and movement checks while under the effects of this spell.

Hidden Lodge: Creates sturdy cottage camouflaged to blend into natural surroundings. Lasts 10 min/circle. Has moderate amounts of every mana type.

Reflective Disguise, Mass: Viewers see subjects in the bard's group as their own species and gender.

6th tier

Ray of Light: Ray blinds/destroys the eyes of subject. Makes it impossible to see any room directions.

Revenance: Restores dead creature to life for 1 minute/circle. Note: Effect is temporary! Once spell wears off creature dies again!

Symphonic nightmare: Can be cast on a creature already induced magical sleep. Saps it's internal vitality down to half, and causes it to scratch and gouge at itself in a frenzy to tear free of the nightmare.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Tier 2 & 3

Tier 2

Door Alarm Bard is alerted whenever a subject passes through a door.

Mirror Disguise Viewers see the bard as their own species and gender.

Sonic Weapon 2 hr/level Sonic weapon temporarily enchants a sword to deal extra sonic damage when it lands a hit.

Sonic Aura Sonic aura releases a wave burst of energy upon foes that strike you.

Speak to Allies Subjects can converse at a distance without moving lips, or owning a gwethdesuan.

Summon Celestial Thrush: Summons a Celestial thrush for the bard which accelerates herbal/alchemical healing.

Tactical Precision Allies gain additional +2 bonus on attack rolls and 1d6 additional damage against flanked foes.

War Cry Gain +4 on attack rolls and damage rolls if you charge. Anyh opponent you damage must save or become panicked for one round.

Weapon Shift Lasts 1 hr/circle, touched weapon changes form into a wearable hair tie or trinket. Can be recast to change it's morphed appearance.

Whirling Blade Hurled slashing weapon magically attacks all foes in a 60 ft line. Presumably the whole room, or half the room.

Tier 3

Go Elsewhere Chant self only, teleports bard to random adjacent room.

Hymn of Praise Add +2 caster level to all divine clerics in range.

Melody of Love Add +2 caster level to all healing spell casters in range.

Infernal Melody Add +2 caster level to all unholy necromancers in range.

Listening Coin, you can eavesdrop on conversations by enchanting a coin and leaving it on the ground.

Shadow Cache You open a small portal to the plane of shadow through which you can put an item for later retrieval.

Speechlink You and one other creature can talk no matter how far the distance. Must be cast with both in room together.

Treasure Scent Self, Friend Allows you to sniff out treasure, doesn't tell you where it is only that it is nearby and the strength of the oder will tell you how rich.

Unluck Self, Anyone, Allows you to make the subject of this spell seem terribly unlucky and clumbsy. 5 seconds/level Will save.

Weapon of Impact, Enchants a blunt weapon so that it doubles it's threat range.

Wounding words A subvocal harmony that creates a continuous aura around you that deals sonic damage to foes that strike you.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Looking back...

So they finally got it done, the new music system I've been waiting 5+ years for... is nearly complete. I'm happy for them, and for any bards that remain, maybe I'll come back after the dust has settled on that, or maybe the week it's released.


So what's new? Other than playing a bard in stormreach not much... but a few enchantes/abilities were inspired from there. Oh and guys, I've decided to change my name. Please refer to me as Syrcha from now on.

These are all proposed ideas.

Story ideas: Enchante's Domain was once commonly used, but also was lost until recently an old elven bard mage came out of hiding to reveal it to the reformed Bard's guild. This old elven bard will teach spells to all young bards who wish to learn.

Enchante's Domain 1-10 - an enchante that when taken gives a bard access to a tier of specifically created Bard spells, the number of spells a bard can learn is based on their charisma. Each time Enchante's Domain is chosen upon leveling, a bard gains another tier of spells to choose from.

Bard's Rulebook 1-10 - an enchante that when taken gives the bard access to a set of feats specifically made for bards. Each time Bard's rulebook is chosen in place of an enchante, this gives the bard access to a number of feats that were unavailable before.

Bard Spell list
Tier 0 The Cantrips all bards learn
AerialBand - Creates a temporary musical instrument of the Bard's specification out of aether. Can be simple or complex depending on skill of the Bard.
Cosmetics - Allows a bard to make slight cosmetic and temporary changes to their appearance. A bard can add gems to their hair, skin, and various facial body parts. Lasts 1hr. permanently destroys gems/tiny items that are added. I almost see this as a major system.
Light - A bard can cast light on any object they are holding or wearing. Lasts 1 hr.
Ice droplets - Freezes small beads of water around the bard into little ice droplets which can then be collected for 1 water. Instantaneous. Should tie into alchemy with the water.
Syrcha's Minor Magical repairs - this spell instantly effects minor repairs on an object by healing 1 dmg point on it.
Pheathers & Roses - Upon choosing the spell the bard decides on either feathers or roses. Summons a permanent feather or rose to the bard. Random feathers/roses are summoned. If bard's hands happen to be full at time of summoning, then the feathers/roses of the random type will shower around the bard.
Alarm mental - You magically ward an area, if any creature tresspasses through it, a jingling occures in your mind.

Tier 1
Blessing of the Pegasi - Round Times for climbing, and all skills involved in Core Stealth negated, and allows the bard to move at normal speed with no penalty on skill check. Self, Friend.
Amplification - Gives self a 1 minute/circle 10 rank skill boost in perception. Up to 10 minutes.
Shopping Maven - Gives self a +10 skill bonus on appraisals. Lasts 1 min/circle up to 10 minutes.
Death Rage - Allows self to fight without penalty while maintaining Rage of the Clans even while disabled or dying. Lasts 1 min/circle up to 10 minutes.
Cheat - Allows bard to automatically hide a poor dice/gambling roll and gives 1 retry. Lasts 1/min circle up to 10 minutes.
Garble Toungue - Can be cast on anyone, garbles the speech of a spellcaster, giving them a chance at 50% spell failure.
Expeditious Run - Gives self a bonus to retreating, a bard can more easily slip out of combat. Gives the bard's actions temporary priority on the system while active.
Focusing Chaunt - Gives self a 30 second +3 bonus to str/cha/wis/int/dis/dex checks.
Guiding Bow - Gives self +2 on ranged attacks in illuminated areas.
Healing Rest - Self, Friend an empath's touch is twice as beneficial. Magically heals wounds as they are being taken by an empath. Lasts 1 minute/circle. Up to 10 minutes.
Messenger's Call - Monsters of level 5 and less are slowed for 30 seconds.
Incite - This magical version of Insult keeps an enemy from drawing or using weapons for 3 seconds.
Swift invisibility - Allows you to disapear into the crowd with 10 seconds of invisibility.
Iron Stomach - Gives bards a better chance of dealing with poison.
Thunder Horn - Trips everyone trying to pass through a room at the time of casting.
Songsworn's Touch - You gain 20 ranks in a touched weapon or shield.
Phantom Threat - You make your opponent believe it is flanked when trying to retreat. It suffers retreating penalties as if it were actually flanked.
Remove Scent - Removes scent from friend, beast, or ally making you harder to track by a Ranger. One use lasts an hour.
White Lies - You magically fill up to half of your bluff pool.
Shock and awe - Spheres of mystic energy and strange glowing lights, with a roar of sounds surround you. All creatures in the room pause in what they are doing to look at you for a few seconds.
Sticky Fingers - You get a bonus to sleight of hand successes.
Defending Magics - You call forth the littlest of fae creatures to surround you and your friends, they weave a wall of minor magical armor around you, making it harder to hit you. Gives temporary +3 to AC lasts 10 minutes.