
The D'kara, an online blog & open discussion area for the personality behind the ever-creative Sircha of Dragonrealms.



Friday, June 16, 2006

Looking back...

So they finally got it done, the new music system I've been waiting 5+ years for... is nearly complete. I'm happy for them, and for any bards that remain, maybe I'll come back after the dust has settled on that, or maybe the week it's released.


So what's new? Other than playing a bard in stormreach not much... but a few enchantes/abilities were inspired from there. Oh and guys, I've decided to change my name. Please refer to me as Syrcha from now on.

These are all proposed ideas.

Story ideas: Enchante's Domain was once commonly used, but also was lost until recently an old elven bard mage came out of hiding to reveal it to the reformed Bard's guild. This old elven bard will teach spells to all young bards who wish to learn.

Enchante's Domain 1-10 - an enchante that when taken gives a bard access to a tier of specifically created Bard spells, the number of spells a bard can learn is based on their charisma. Each time Enchante's Domain is chosen upon leveling, a bard gains another tier of spells to choose from.

Bard's Rulebook 1-10 - an enchante that when taken gives the bard access to a set of feats specifically made for bards. Each time Bard's rulebook is chosen in place of an enchante, this gives the bard access to a number of feats that were unavailable before.

Bard Spell list
Tier 0 The Cantrips all bards learn
AerialBand - Creates a temporary musical instrument of the Bard's specification out of aether. Can be simple or complex depending on skill of the Bard.
Cosmetics - Allows a bard to make slight cosmetic and temporary changes to their appearance. A bard can add gems to their hair, skin, and various facial body parts. Lasts 1hr. permanently destroys gems/tiny items that are added. I almost see this as a major system.
Light - A bard can cast light on any object they are holding or wearing. Lasts 1 hr.
Ice droplets - Freezes small beads of water around the bard into little ice droplets which can then be collected for 1 water. Instantaneous. Should tie into alchemy with the water.
Syrcha's Minor Magical repairs - this spell instantly effects minor repairs on an object by healing 1 dmg point on it.
Pheathers & Roses - Upon choosing the spell the bard decides on either feathers or roses. Summons a permanent feather or rose to the bard. Random feathers/roses are summoned. If bard's hands happen to be full at time of summoning, then the feathers/roses of the random type will shower around the bard.
Alarm mental - You magically ward an area, if any creature tresspasses through it, a jingling occures in your mind.

Tier 1
Blessing of the Pegasi - Round Times for climbing, and all skills involved in Core Stealth negated, and allows the bard to move at normal speed with no penalty on skill check. Self, Friend.
Amplification - Gives self a 1 minute/circle 10 rank skill boost in perception. Up to 10 minutes.
Shopping Maven - Gives self a +10 skill bonus on appraisals. Lasts 1 min/circle up to 10 minutes.
Death Rage - Allows self to fight without penalty while maintaining Rage of the Clans even while disabled or dying. Lasts 1 min/circle up to 10 minutes.
Cheat - Allows bard to automatically hide a poor dice/gambling roll and gives 1 retry. Lasts 1/min circle up to 10 minutes.
Garble Toungue - Can be cast on anyone, garbles the speech of a spellcaster, giving them a chance at 50% spell failure.
Expeditious Run - Gives self a bonus to retreating, a bard can more easily slip out of combat. Gives the bard's actions temporary priority on the system while active.
Focusing Chaunt - Gives self a 30 second +3 bonus to str/cha/wis/int/dis/dex checks.
Guiding Bow - Gives self +2 on ranged attacks in illuminated areas.
Healing Rest - Self, Friend an empath's touch is twice as beneficial. Magically heals wounds as they are being taken by an empath. Lasts 1 minute/circle. Up to 10 minutes.
Messenger's Call - Monsters of level 5 and less are slowed for 30 seconds.
Incite - This magical version of Insult keeps an enemy from drawing or using weapons for 3 seconds.
Swift invisibility - Allows you to disapear into the crowd with 10 seconds of invisibility.
Iron Stomach - Gives bards a better chance of dealing with poison.
Thunder Horn - Trips everyone trying to pass through a room at the time of casting.
Songsworn's Touch - You gain 20 ranks in a touched weapon or shield.
Phantom Threat - You make your opponent believe it is flanked when trying to retreat. It suffers retreating penalties as if it were actually flanked.
Remove Scent - Removes scent from friend, beast, or ally making you harder to track by a Ranger. One use lasts an hour.
White Lies - You magically fill up to half of your bluff pool.
Shock and awe - Spheres of mystic energy and strange glowing lights, with a roar of sounds surround you. All creatures in the room pause in what they are doing to look at you for a few seconds.
Sticky Fingers - You get a bonus to sleight of hand successes.
Defending Magics - You call forth the littlest of fae creatures to surround you and your friends, they weave a wall of minor magical armor around you, making it harder to hit you. Gives temporary +3 to AC lasts 10 minutes.


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