
The D'kara, an online blog & open discussion area for the personality behind the ever-creative Sircha of Dragonrealms.



Saturday, June 17, 2006

Tier 2 & 3

Tier 2

Door Alarm Bard is alerted whenever a subject passes through a door.

Mirror Disguise Viewers see the bard as their own species and gender.

Sonic Weapon 2 hr/level Sonic weapon temporarily enchants a sword to deal extra sonic damage when it lands a hit.

Sonic Aura Sonic aura releases a wave burst of energy upon foes that strike you.

Speak to Allies Subjects can converse at a distance without moving lips, or owning a gwethdesuan.

Summon Celestial Thrush: Summons a Celestial thrush for the bard which accelerates herbal/alchemical healing.

Tactical Precision Allies gain additional +2 bonus on attack rolls and 1d6 additional damage against flanked foes.

War Cry Gain +4 on attack rolls and damage rolls if you charge. Anyh opponent you damage must save or become panicked for one round.

Weapon Shift Lasts 1 hr/circle, touched weapon changes form into a wearable hair tie or trinket. Can be recast to change it's morphed appearance.

Whirling Blade Hurled slashing weapon magically attacks all foes in a 60 ft line. Presumably the whole room, or half the room.

Tier 3

Go Elsewhere Chant self only, teleports bard to random adjacent room.

Hymn of Praise Add +2 caster level to all divine clerics in range.

Melody of Love Add +2 caster level to all healing spell casters in range.

Infernal Melody Add +2 caster level to all unholy necromancers in range.

Listening Coin, you can eavesdrop on conversations by enchanting a coin and leaving it on the ground.

Shadow Cache You open a small portal to the plane of shadow through which you can put an item for later retrieval.

Speechlink You and one other creature can talk no matter how far the distance. Must be cast with both in room together.

Treasure Scent Self, Friend Allows you to sniff out treasure, doesn't tell you where it is only that it is nearby and the strength of the oder will tell you how rich.

Unluck Self, Anyone, Allows you to make the subject of this spell seem terribly unlucky and clumbsy. 5 seconds/level Will save.

Weapon of Impact, Enchants a blunt weapon so that it doubles it's threat range.

Wounding words A subvocal harmony that creates a continuous aura around you that deals sonic damage to foes that strike you.


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