
The D'kara, an online blog & open discussion area for the personality behind the ever-creative Sircha of Dragonrealms.



Friday, December 01, 2006

It's worst in November/December

I've realized the DR cravings are worst in November and December, it's because the turkey and holiday season bring out so many wonderful memories of multiple invasions, the bloodiest battles, the triages, gore and best of all! All of my old friends always come out of the wood work in those months to spend a few months together playing in DR. It's like... it's like being a caged wild bird and seeing all the other birdies fly south for the winter and wanting to join them, but being stuck in a cage.

Addictions particularly internet ones like this drive you crazy because you know all of your friends are going to be there, waiting for you to show up, spending plats and give them a good ole' round of hugs and kisses. It's particularly bad since they now have a war going on. Oh how I love those! I'm addicted to being helpful, it's the nature of a bard to be helpful. All of your skills and magic bend you towards it. Seeing the smiles of grateful folks as you maintain your continuous Aura of Vitality, while you hand out healing supplies to those who need it. It's so... addicting because it feels so good, and then there's the adrenaline rush you get when the area you thought was safely defended gets overrun by monsters.

Yep! I want to go back there, with a personal and quiet desperation. I want to go play for another 3 months by paying the extravagant monthly subscription fees. I want to explore P5 and check out the new Shard. I want to see what the heck they did with the bardic instruments, bagpipes?! I have to get me one of those!

I think I have the worst kind of addiction, I'm addicted to helping others who play in DragonRealms. Worst of all it costs me something like $50/month to do so because I can't have just one account while I play. Nope, I have to open all 5 of them.